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Ab Peptides(优势品牌)
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商品详细Peptides/Peptides International/1000µg/CYT-128-1000µg
Peptides/Peptides International/1000µg/CYT-128-1000µg
Peptides/Peptides International/1000µg/CYT-128-1000µg
商品编号: CYT-128-1000µg
品牌: Ab Peptides
市场价: ¥38000.00
美元价: 22800.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 多肽
公司分类: peptides
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
  • Product Code: CYT-128
  • Synonyms/Product Alternate Names: Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 N15 Labeled Human Recombinant, Somatomedin C, IGF-I, IGFI, IGF1, IGF-IA, Mechano growth factor, MGF.
  • N15 stable isotope labeled IGF-1
  • Introduction: The somatomedins, or insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), comprise a family of peptides that play important roles in mammalian growth and development. IGF1 mediates many of the growth-promoting effects of growth hormone (GH; MIM 139250). Early studies showed that growth hormone did not directly stimulate the incorporation of sulfate into cartilage, but rather acted through a serum factor, termed "sulfation factor," which later became known as "somatomedin" (Daughaday et al., 1972). Three main somatomedins have been characterized: somatomedin C (IGF1), somatomedin A (IGF2; MIM 147470), and somatomedin B (MIM 193190) (Rotwein, 1986; Rosenfeld, 2003).Description: IGF1 N15 Human Recombinant produced in E.coli is a single, non-glycosylated polypeptide chain containing 70 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 7.74kDa. The N15 is stable isotope labeled.The IGF1 N15 is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.Physical Appearance: Sterile Filtered White lyophilized (freeze-dried) powder.Formulation: IGF1 N15 protein was lyophilized from a 0.2µm filtered concentrated solution in PBS, pH 7.2.Solubility: It is recommended to reconstitute the lyophilized IGF1 N15 in sterile 18M-cm H2O not less than 100µg/ml, which can then be further diluted to other aqueous solutions.Stability: Lyophilized IGF1 N15 although stable at room temperature for 3 weeks, should be stored desiccated below -18°C. Upon reconstitution IGF1 N15 should be stored at 4°C between 2-7 days and for future use below -18°C. For long term storage it is recommended to add a carrier protein (0.1% HSA or BSA).Please prevent freeze-thaw cycles.Biological Activity: The ED50 as determined by a cell proliferation assay using serum free human MCF-7 cells is less than 2ng/ml, corresponding to a specific activity of > 5.0 × 105 IU/mg.

  • Origin: Escherichia coli
  • Storage Conditions: -20 °C
  • Purity: Greater than 97.0% by: (a) Analysis by RP-HPLC.(b) Analysis by SDS-PAGE.
  • One-Letter Code:

Delivery Details: All quantities are subject to availability. Please allow 7-10 days for delivery.

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现代营养学研究发现:人类摄食蛋白质经消化道的酶作用后,大多是以低肽形式消化吸收的,以游离氨基酸形式吸收的 比例很小。进一步的试验又揭示了肽比游离氨基酸消化更快、吸收更多,表明肽的生物效价和营养价值比游离氨基酸更高。这也正是活性肽的无穷魅力所在。 生物活性肽(Bioact ive Peptide s ,BA P)就是对生物机体的生命活动有益或是具有生理作用的肽类化合物, 是一类相对分子质量小于6000Da , 具有多种生物学功能的多肽。其分子结构复杂程度不一,是介于氨基酸与蛋白质之间的分子聚合物,小至由两个氨基酸组成,大至由数十个氨基酸通过肽键连接而成,而且这些多肽可通过磷酸化、糖基化或酰基化而被修饰 [1]  。 生物活性肽有多种多样的生理功能, 如激素作用、免疫调节、抗血栓、抗高血压、降胆固醇、抑菌、抗病毒、抗癌作用等 [2]  。这些功能是原蛋白质或组成氨基酸所不具备的独特的生理机能, 且许多活性肽的组成氨基酸并不一定是必需氨基酸,这就为利用蛋白质资源, 特别是那些原本认为生物效价不高的蛋白质资源利用提供了新的机遇,是当前国际食品界最热门的研究课题和极具发展前景的功能因子。20世纪末,科学家在破解基因的秘密的同时,也对存在于生物体内的另一类奇妙物质的研究发生极大的兴趣。这类物质就是生物活性肽,或称功能肽,由氨基酸组成,是一种小分子的蛋白质,比如胰岛素,就是一种多肽,再如在日本应用广泛的促进钙吸收的CCP,在欧美风靡一时的促进生长的HGH……。